Take a Break, I'll Give you a Good Story!

“Not even 50 immigrants, tsc tsc…!”

Daniela Pompeu is the daughter, granddaughter, great granddaughter of writers so surprise, surprise she writes too.  And she always has a story to tell…

How about a weekly blog? Click Here

A monthly column? – This one is in Portuguese. Click Here

My Books

I was guided to write a book- just like that, one prayer and bang- I “heard” a write a book in my mind. So I wrote Tea with Dani; come, have a cup of tea with me- and let’s chat, kinda.

During the most exciting sports event of the year…murder, sweat, tears. Come to Vegas and follow the events that rocked the College Football world in my first novel.

My New Release


The manipulation of the news is disgusting. It’s macabre. It’s insane.
And we shouldn’t let it run us.

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